The Beauty in The Old 
Beautiful People of Nepal, 2023
During my travels in Nepal, I have been most drawn to its elderly people. It is their colorful robes that catch my attention, it is that "ease" that they carry which makes me stop. They have seen life and carry a pearl of valuable wisdom within them. Especially in remote and rural places (like small mountain villages) the elderly people are most appreciated by the community. People come to them for advice.
I think the West has long forgotten this. We tend to associate the "Old" with negativity. "Old" is the opposite of beauty.  "Old" can not participate in the economy, can not work, and is useless. As a consequence of this mindset, we lock The Old away, in caring homes and hospitals. We have created a society that fears age. We wrongfully think (especially women) that age is equivalent to losing our beauty, losing our worth.

When the truth is: There is Beauty and Wisdom in "The Old" and there is nothing to fear.
Local woman offering me homemade rice-wine. Yummy :)
Local woman offering me homemade rice-wine. Yummy :)
Handmade potteries.
Handmade potteries.
Holyman vanishing in an alley.
Holyman vanishing in an alley.
Small maze of stupas and pagodas at the famous Swayambhunath, with buildings dating back to 500 BC.
Small maze of stupas and pagodas at the famous Swayambhunath, with buildings dating back to 500 BC.
Old lady enjoying her cigarette in front of a small buddha temple.
Old lady enjoying her cigarette in front of a small buddha temple.
Old lady enjoying her cigarette in front of a small buddha temple.
Old lady enjoying her cigarette in front of a small buddha temple.
The Swayambhunath.
The Swayambhunath.
Two lovly ladies enjoying a chat under a massive bell at the Buddha Stupa.
Two lovly ladies enjoying a chat under a massive bell at the Buddha Stupa.
Dead body being carried to the river bangs of Pashupatinath, in preparation for the burning ceremony.
Dead body being carried to the river bangs of Pashupatinath, in preparation for the burning ceremony.
Family members of the dead person talking.
Family members of the dead person talking.
Watching life pass by 
In the streets of Kathmandu, 2023
Its noon. The sun is high up in the sky. I seek shelter in the shadows of the narrow streets. Vendors are hectically passing me by, pushing their gods on old, wooden wagons. Sellers are loudly & joyfully bargaining with curious customers in front of their shops.  Fruits, clothes, shoes, cups, vases made of shiny metal, mandala artworks, sparkling jewelry, and everything you need for the next temple visit is being sold: candles, incent sticks, glitter necklaces, and pigments of rich colors.

In all this rush, I sense a deep stillness. It is the shop owners, who are patiently sitting on the pavement in front of their tiny stores. Camly they are observing the endless crowds of people passing by. Potential customers, potential money needed to survive the next day. But most people pass by. And I pass by too. But regardless of this, they still gift me a bright smile.

I continue my journey through the never-ending streets of Kathmandu while they will continue to wait. Continue to hope for better sales than yesterday. Continue to sit and watch life pass by.
One of many, busy squares in Kathmandu. A colorful cocktail of shops, temples, various goods, holyman, locals and some tourists (including myself), honking tuktuks and scooters passing by.
One of many, busy squares in Kathmandu. A colorful cocktail of shops, temples, various goods, holyman, locals and some tourists (including myself), honking tuktuks and scooters passing by.
Boy, managing the vegetable shop of his parents.
Boy, managing the vegetable shop of his parents.
I  meet this girl while she was collecting trash from the streets. She has lost her father and is now supporting her mother financially. Because she has to work, she can not go to school.
I meet this girl while she was collecting trash from the streets. She has lost her father and is now supporting her mother financially. Because she has to work, she can not go to school.
Shop-owners hanging out together.
Shop-owners hanging out together.
Woman waiting for customers, watching the cars passing by.
Woman waiting for customers, watching the cars passing by.
All kinds of deep fried snacks where available at this little shop, located in a dark side-street.
All kinds of deep fried snacks where available at this little shop, located in a dark side-street.
Handmade metal products shining in the sun.
Handmade metal products shining in the sun.
Handmade metal products shining in the sun.
Handmade metal products shining in the sun.
Vendors pushing goods through the narrow alleys.
Vendors pushing goods through the narrow alleys.
Woman is beautiful saree.
Woman is beautiful saree.
The Celebration of Love
Valentine´s Day in Chitwan National Park, 2023
Colorful prayer flags are decorating the streets of Chitwan. I hear the rhythmic sound of drums and trumpets playing in the distance. A local dance group is slowly but energetically moving done the street, performing a traditional, Nepalese dance. The women are wearing handmade, traditional garments and jewellery, showcasting the craftsmanship of Nepal. The performance takes place in honor of the festival of Love: Valentine´s Day. All day long the inhabitants of Chitwan are dancing and singing in the streets, until late at night. 
Local dance & music group performing traditional, nepalese dances in honor of the Festival of Love: Valentine´s Day <3.
Local dance & music group performing traditional, nepalese dances in honor of the Festival of Love: Valentine´s Day <3.
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